Friday, October 31, 2008


today is e-learning day!
forgotten what was needed to be done, and definitely not working.
its just sooooo hard to try to dig out 3 days to work in a week.
somemore, polympics is coming up!
like next week.......

im pissed/irritated and most importantly, feeling very retarded about myself.
its in my brain!!!
ec ec and just ec only!
other than the fact that he has a gf, which is like...
um, oke. its alright.
i just happen to be curious, REALLY curious and found his blog retardedly.
and im starting to regret it, though it kind of cleared things up better.
but after thinking for awhile, and relaxing!
i realise, at least both of them really loveeeeeeee! each other.
to the extent their blog is almost like just about the both of them.

anyway, had snw & cats just now, even crashed the afternoon snw a little.
cats was fun today, thank god i didnt pon! (:
then vball training in the evening.
which we then played matches for those participating in polympics.
and not putting our hopes high,
yeah, we got thrashed.
HAHA! but at least we had fun, anyway guys, dont think too much about positioning.
theres always a next year polympics! (:
quack quack will be in km's team. its confirmed BUT something seems to have happened to him.
and km is finding out WHAT!
im pretty + rather + very curious about it.

time to go to mel and check out what's got to be done by today! 23.59
think im gonna laze around till i meet them @ 12.00 in np tmr.
task to do: buy strawberry cheesecake b&j! :3
kel and stef's mummy will be going to punehto's chalet!
she says she will miss us and she might even call us in the middle of the night!
happy birthday wm!
& happy belated birthday to jeremy & jh. (:

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