Thursday, October 23, 2008


loads of things and very random stuff are stuck in my head and twirling around.
and reality always ruin everything in a way.

went to work and was pretty tired as usual.
lxy is crazyyy!
shes like soooooooooooo high and i dont know why.
think you can just smack her for free and she will just start laughing, somehow.
roo quit-ed work today~ ):
rooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... come back and work when youre free oke! (:
wei wei soooo hell of a misses you.
she today emo cause you quit. HAHAHA, you influence emo to her.
while returning goods, there was this boy somewhere shouting daddy daddy! then that yoshizaki said " eh, that boy looking for you".
like -.- do i look like a daddy or a male in anyway.... a married one somemore.
i think whenever hes free, he will just disturb anyone he sees eh.
LXY ESPECIALLY. whahahhahhahah~

school's alright today. just that we aint listening to engineering mechanic again.
an hour of it, but we ended up playing mj on viwawa instead.
the fun part about today is that, gladys met jb on the bus today! haha.
and gladys! xD finally you understand how i feel.
we think the same...
great minds think alike :D
the irritating part is EC!
waaaaa. feel like smacking him to the max? or am i reacting too much. HAHA

anyway, ms goh hui shi. friday is coming sooooon!
im sure you'll be on a advance case and get promoted.
either way, please at least be hard working and study for oncoming papers and slack on other days if you want. (:
dont be scared oke! i will be scared for you too though.

-im stoning-

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